Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I realize this isn't really the point of this thing, but...

...I have to write a paper about If I were a house, what would I be? Not as in, what would I like to be, but my personality/psyche/self represented, house style. The outsides/some of the inside is supposed to be how others perceive me, initially and as they get to know me better. So, what I'm asking is (not in house format)- how did you first perceive me as a person, and how has that perception changed as you've gotten to know me better? Please be totally honest, here- I won't take offense to anything (and, me being un-girl-ish, you know I'm not just saying that.)
Anything at all will really help me out. If you feel like shooting me an email instead of commenting, that's cool, too: anneagain.c@gmail.com

Thank you!

P.S.- Maybe I'll start a new trend- people getting homework help, blog-style!

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