Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bread! (and the Aimie encounter)

Okay, so there are two events in this set of pictures. One is proof of the highly exciting meeting of Aimie and Rianne in Texas. We failed quite miserably at self-photography, so we had to get somebody else to take a good picture of us. Still, fun times were had in Texas, and I learned that the Baylor dining halls are far superior to our own.
Event 2: BREAD! For our Intro to Chemical Engineering class, we had to come up with an egg drop project, that was supposed to somehow involve or be based off of a chemical compound or chemical reaction. This was to be dropped out of an 8th-floor window in the Engineering Center. Our group decided that the best plan of action was to make a massive loaf of bread, and stick the egg in the middle. We figured while we were at it, we would make some more bread just to eat, because bread is quite good. So we made three batches of dough, which in hindsight was probably excessive, but we ended up with lots of nice bread. Interestingly, I had chosen this recipe for its simplicity and short ingredient list, and because the reviews said it was basically impossible to screw up – not based on any flavor criteria whatsoever. Turns out, it was ridiculously tasty, and so we were glad we had made so much dough. So, we used the biggest round one as the project bread, and the other loaves were for consumption. Day of the drop, I was cutting a hole in the bread to put the egg in, and then we were going to reseal it with the core and some peanut butter. When I cut and removed a core of the bread, I noticed there was a hole underneath it. Turns out, the giant loaf of bread had a large hollow in the center. Don’t get me wrong, there was still about 2 inches of thickness on all sides, but there was also a large cavern in the center of the bread, which is not conducive to cushioning an egg. So, after a panicked call to a teammate, we decided to pack it with Kleenex and call it good. So, I dropped it off in its little grocery bag with no further ado. Although I wasn't actually at the egg drop to see it, our egg did survive its miraculous flight from the 8th story of the engineering tower. However, the official egg-drop-droppers neglected to remove it from the bag before throwing it out the window. This didn’t affect the performance of our loaf, but it did make it look a little less cool. And such was the fate of the large loaf. The smaller round one, we gave half to the people whose kitchen we had used, and half went to one of the guys in our group. The two baguette-shaped things both came back to Hallett, and were entirely gone before 24 hours was up. Yum.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sprinkler On a Sunny Day

As the heat
My attention
Like water I
I could be in

Class, at
Is an impossible
In a building
Air conditioning

En clase, hacíamos
Del calor, y pensamos
De frío
Cunado aprendiendo
La tema
De pluscuampefecto

Returning from lunch,
I see
A sprinkler, watering
the lawn
I forget the tests
And other worries, just


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Okay, here I am!

So, just got back from the third Diff Eq midterm, and this conversation between my roommate and I summed it up pretty well, I think:
Background: We had just left the testing room. 5-question, 100-point test, 1st section "multiple choice" (but it really was short answer) had 6-6point subquestions, no partial credit, with the other other 4 sections adding up to the remaining 64 points.

"So, how did it go?" I asked.
"It seemed pretty good...well, I didn't really get 2c or 5c. And I didn't really know what I was doing on the multiple choice section on the front either. But aside from that-"
"So, besides half the test, it went pretty well?"
"Yeah, that's about right."

And that was about how I felt, too. In these situations, there is only one thing to do:
Hope everyone else did worse.

Friday, April 10, 2009

It is amazing
How quickly some people find
What they want to do.

Somehow it feels like
No matter what I study
I'll have to catch up.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Reads one, in bright orange spray paint
In the driveway of the alumni house.

Says another, in green
On the way to the dining hall

Cry others, in many colors
In front of the dorms
On the tree walk
On the lawn
Maturely written with a phallus,
Rather than words

Last week, another,
Sprayed on a plaster wall
Behind my dorm
Declared us all lesbians
And worthy of punishment
Although the wording
Was much less eloquent

What have we done
To deserve such words?
Such hate?
Such malice?
Such defamation?

Perhaps, one whispers,
We've done nothing.
This voice gets stronger,
Repeating the phrase.

We've done nothing
Nothing to deserve any of this
Except one thing:

We learn.

We are a community of women,
Living and learning together.
We support each other,
Respect each other,
Love each other.

This, the voice says, must be why.

By being independent.

By considering ourselves equals.

By working to be more than just women.

By learning.

To the men who've done this
For they must be male,
We offer you this:



Monday, April 6, 2009

Late at night

i sit on my bed

feel the tenseness in my shoulders
a combination 
of exercise classes, 
carrying water, 
and stress

i stare at my computer screen
willing my thoughts to arrange themselves into an essay
look through old photos
read and reread the texts
wish i could just go to sleep

i sit
listen to the hum of the air 
the soft breath of my roommate
and chill music from pandora

i sit
my mind preoccupied with my to-do list for the week
always thinking of the next thing

for now
I will live
just today

i sit
and i listen
and i think

i think of that girl trapped in the wallpaper
too weak? 
just caught,
pinned into a role she has no desire to inhabit

i am not that girl
i will live for me
pursue my passions
my interests
once i figure out just what they are

but for now

i sit

i think

i begin to write.