Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sometimes you just have to write sonnets.

I saw a pretty color here today
Quite early in the morning, as it were
But is it found in nature? Hard to say
It wasn't grass or leaves or branch of fir
But stunning green--it brightened up my day
And had a strange, compelling sort of lure
But like the summer winds, too short a stay--
and I just wish that I could have been sure
What you would call this color, if one day
You saw it in a paint shop--'Foam of Mer'?
'Electric Green', perhaps, or 'Algæ Bay'?
Or weirder--'Marshy Thoughts'? 'Elysian Shore'?
But I suppose you all will think it's rot
When you find out this was an ode to snot.


Samantha said...

eww! goodness...I like the sonnets

Aimiewith2eyes said...

original... :-P

Andrea said...

That was incredibly lovely... and made me laugh at the end. ^___^

Jessi said...

That was amazing!!!