Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Silence Survey

OK, this what happens when you spend time checking out the library. I'd like to know your answers...

Is silence merely the lack of sound, or is it a sound itself? What do you personally think?

By definition, it should be the first choice, but I remember something I've read before that once described silence as "deafening" and I think some people might actually consider it a distinctly recognizable noise of its own. Or maybe it is a sound in the sense that it can communicate hesitation or agreement, etc. (Go figure I have "Sound of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel stuck in my head...) I'm not sure what to think myself.


Jessi said...

Well I defiantly have used the word defining to describe silence in my yes i think it is a sound. But then again I'm crazy so....

Liz said...

ok so i have a theory...that people who are used to always having sound around, esp. people who grew up in big cities or noisy families, think of silence as deafening or as a sound...but people who've spent a lot of time alone, or in the woods, or otherwise without sound think of it as the natural state of things and sound as an extra. i'm the latter sort. but i was reading a news article about a new yorker who went and walked around for a few hours in the AK wilderness and said the silence (that i think of as normal) was deafening, which i think was just becasue maybe he'd never heard real silence before.