Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coocoo choir song... enjoy...

So the English translation of one of my Spanish choir songs reads as the following (with "cucu, cucu," at the beginning of EVERY line):

the frog was singing
under the water
a gentleman passed by
with a cape and hat
a lady passed by
with a long skirt
a babysitter passed by
carrying a salad
he asked for a piece
she wouldn't give him any
he went back in the water
and swam away

I didn't know why it wasn't making sense in Spanish, until I figured out that it doesn't make sense in English either!


Samantha said...

That's AWESOME....I'm particularly fond of the inclusion of a babysitter...

Andrea said...

really? I'm rather confused by the inclusion of the babysitter...and the salad too, actually.

Rianne said...

Everyone knows babysitters need salads.

Samantha said...

I'm a bit confused as to who the him is...if its the frog thats confusing enough...and if its the gentleman who asked he suddenly decided he liked the water...hmm