Saturday, September 13, 2008

Inzone Inspiration

I just had to share this sunset shot I took from the Baylor vs. Washington State game last night.
When I left in the 4th quarter it was 42-14!
Sic em' bears!

Oh, and just so ya'll know, I survived Hurricane Ike. Waco wasn't really hit that hard, although it was a bit windy and rainy today. There weren't even any tornadoes or anything. How boring is that?! :-P

My roommate on the other hand says her family in north Houston doesn't have any power, and they'll be without it for about 3-4 weeks... A lot of trees blew over around there. (Please pray for those in the coastal area. Lots of flooding to deal with too...)


Samantha said...

NICE pic! I like it a lot, its gorgeous.

Rianne said...

That is amazingly beautiful.