Thursday, October 30, 2008

Things that make me happy...or at the very least amused

1. The fact that in any given day there are 5 or 6 kiosks set up selling or promoting various day there was a guy dressed up in a giant lima bean costume...
2. There is a store called "Jerry's Drive Thru Liquor" across the street from campus (ironically when the Honors dorms are completed, it will be almost directly across the street from them). 
3. The ceiling in the hallways of Hayden South are so short that I can touch them...and my roommate would have to duck if they were too much shorter. 
4. There is a piano in our lounge...but for a long time there wasn't a TV.
5. There are urinals in the girls restroom in Hayden South
5.5 There are condom dispensers in the boys and girls restrooms...which unfortunately don't function...
6. The fact that Razor scooters...while still not super cool, are suddenly relatively widespread.
7. The dome that lets light into the underground portion of our library, fondly known as the "nipple of higher knowledge"
8. There is a secret garden
9. One can actually pick fruit off trees on our campus...dates, lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit etc.
10. I don't live in Manzanita...or Best C (both good things...but for very different reasons)
11. When I walked into the local Safeway for the first know how Safeway tends to do displays grouping items that go together? Like all the ingredients for S'mores? I saw a table with cases of beer and packages of ping-pong you think they might be near a college? 


Andrea said...

These things amuse me too. It's like the fact that every thursday morning the RAs put condoms out on the tables in the hallways... and when you look later they're ALL gone...

Samantha said... it must be a race...

Liz said...

be prepared, guys.

Rochelle said...

Love #9 .. and wanna see a picture of a fresh fruit dessert :)