Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sick Season

So, it being fall, EVERYONE is getting sick. My suitemate Hannah was the first one. In mid September she went to the health center with a fever of 102. Needless to say, she didn't go to class for about a week. Next was my roommate Emily, who brought what we think is a cold back from Nevada. She went on a trip with Claremont Students for Obama to register voters in Nevada, and all thirty-something people ended up sleeping on the floor in one room of an abandoned house with broken plumbing. Hygiene was not happening, and she came back a day early because of how sick she was. Next was my other roommate, Annsley, who was (is) rather down for the count with something 'flu-like. Then we got a campus-wide e-mail warning us about a norovirus outbreak at other schools in Southern California.

So far, I've been lucky.

I have a theory as to why.

My roommates, both of whom have been sick, sleep here:

I, on the other hand, sleep here:

My theory is that their proximity means that they are more likely to get each other sick (they also don't clean nearly as much as I do). I sleep on the other side of the room, all by myself. They are also convinced that I have a healthier immune system because I don't go drinking every weekend, but they kinda do that to themselves. I vacuum, I do (my) laundry, I wash (my) dishes, I clean the sink. They don't. Coincidence? I think not.

There is strong evidence to suggest that both my location in the room and my habits have lead to my over-all health. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

Too bad my theory is completely abolished by the fact that as of Tuesday, I'm sick.


Samantha said...

I bet you won't get as sick...or for as long...

Liz said...

That's ok, I hear having the moral high ground makes people get better faster!

Rianne said...

We had colds go around the hall for about a month, and there were several E.Coli episodes on campus. But no noravirus.