So a few weeks ago, I was cooking with my mentee for Talent Match, and we somehow managed to royally screw up the brownie recipe that I have made with success approximately fifty-MILLION times...the batter was boiling instead of was REALLY strange (I was talking to Loni and we think Clarissa must not have put enough flour in). So I promised Clarissa that I would bake a new batch over the weekend and give her some the following Tuesday. With that task in mind...and because a family friend (Debi Clemson) had recently sent me a care package with a ton of muffin mixes, my friend Loni and I went on a baking spree.
First we made fettucine with parmesan....which I realize is not baking, however we needed dinner as well.
Then we cooked up a SUCCESSFUL batch of brownies...I love truly homemade brownies, they are SO easy and much better than out of the box. We cooked them in a silicon muffin tin because we lacked a pan. These are brownies fairly torn apart due to their deliciousness.
Your Hayden South ASU Correspondent Signing off...
Samantha <3
Heehee! I love you Sam! I miss being able to cook stuff... That's what Thanksgiving break is for!
P.S. I want a brownie.
Samantha, those look delicious. We need to cook things over Christmas break.
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