Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Completely random and Very Funny Quotations

From a random girl I walked past in front of the MU-
"...and then I told him...there is like no way those could be my pajamas...I don't even own any pajamas!"

"...and then we get to the Count (a character in the Marriage of Figaro) who, lets face it, is basically a complete asshole." -Dr. Jacquie Scott (my badass human event teacher who wears gorgeous clothing, great heels, and is a totally awesome feminist...)

In my Bones, Stones, Human Evolution textbook-
"The chances of a structure like the human eye arising completely by chance are like a hurricane blowing through a junkyard and by chance assembling a Boeing 747"

"God Bless Women...its the little things you learn, like you will never again wear jeweled underwear to pilates, because that cute little jewel is now forever imprinted into your back." 
-Pilates teacher

"Basically...people have sex. And then along comes a baby."
-Dr. Thomas Puleo (who, incidently is the best dressed male professor I have ever met)

1 comment:

Liz said...

sounds like you pretty much managed the best teachers ever.