As it is now late August, a terrible time has come upon us. We may wail, beat our chests, and cry pitiosly, but the march of time cannot be stopped. And so we sadly pack our suitcases and bid a tearful goodbye to summer.
Some of us have already returned to school. Some of us will be back soon. Two of us will be starting college for the first time. And as exciting as it is to be reunited with friends from around the country (or to meet new ones), there is still a certain sadness involved when the time comes to leave home (note: the author has only been home for the last week and is not yet sick and tired of having nothing to do but sit around all day).
But inevitably, go we must. We go to new roommates and new classes, often in old buildings with old professors. We go to clubs, dance teams, afternoon tea and bible study (to each their own). We go with memories of exotic, far away places, exciting adventures, and plenty of new photographs.
And most of all, we go with the knowledge that this year, perhaps, can be just a little better then the year before. We'll try something new, meet someone new, learn something new. With each year, so may new things, and there's no going back.
The time has come.